PTSD Specialist
Approximately 7% of Americans develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
If you’re concerned about PTSD and trauma, call Adejoke Adedeji, APRN, at Nexus of Hope Psychiatry & Mental Health Wellness in Burnsville, Minnesota.
They offer comprehensive, patient-focused treatment plans to help you recover from PTSD and restore your quality of life.
Call Nexus of Hope or schedule a consultation online today.
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of psychiatric disorder that can develop after you live through a traumatic experience. However, experiencing trauma doesn’t mean that you’re going to get PTSD.
It’s normal to have symptoms of anxiety and depression after a traumatic experience and, in most cases, these feelings subside with time. PTSD tends to emerge in the months following a trauma, and the symptoms become more intense and disruptive with time.
What are the Signs of PTSD?
In most cases, PTSD causes four types of symptoms: intrusive memories, avoidance behavior, negative thoughts, and heightened reactions. Your symptoms can range in severity, although they often get worse when left untreated.
Intrusive Memories
Flashback and nightmares are the most well-known types of intrusive memories triggered by PTSD. Your memories may be so vivid and realistic that you feel like you’re repeatedly reliving the trauma.
Avoidance Behavior
Many patients with PTSD go out of their way to avoid reminders of their trauma, which can stimulate intrusive memories and other negative symptoms. You might also avoid talking or even thinking about the event.
Negative Thoughts
It’s also common to be plagued by negative thoughts or feelings about yourself and others when you have PTSD. For example, you might think that other people can’t be trusted or live with persistent feelings of anger, horror, or guilt. You might also feel detached from friends or family and lose interest in previously enjoyed activities.
Heightened Reactions
PTSD can also increase your sensitivity, making you irritable and likely to have angry outbursts. You might also behave recklessly, be easily startled, or have trouble sleeping.
How is PTSD Treated?
The team at Nexus of Hope Psychiatry & Mental Health Wellness provides comprehensive treatment plans for PTSD. Following a thorough assessment of your mental health, the team creates a program that combines conventional treatments such as medication and therapy with lifestyle modifications and complementary therapies.
They aim to address all internal and external factors that contribute to your condition and help you build the coping strategies you need to restore your quality of life.
If you have PTSD or feel like past trauma prevents you from living your best life, call Nexus of Hope Psychiatry & Mental Health Wellness or make an appointment online today.
If you feel like PTSD interferes with your quality of life, call Nexus of Hope Psychiatry & Mental Health Wellness or make an appointment online today.