TMS Therapy is a proven treatment for depression, with 50-60% of people finding relief or complete remission from their symptoms. The rate you see the benefits of TMS treatments may vary based on factors such as age, tolerance, and severity of your illness. You can increase the long-term effects of TMS by doing a few specific things we’ll go over.

Read on if you are currently being treated with TMS or considering it. These helpful tips and information will let you know what to expect regarding the speed treatment will take effect and how to improve the response of TMS for your depression. At Nexus of Hope, we are here to guide you through all aspects of TMS Therapy and can help answer any questions.

Noticing When TMS Therapy Is Working

If you’re wondering whether TMS Therapy is working for you, keep an eye out for small boosts in your mood. It won’t happen all at once, but little by little, you may start noticing improvements. Over time, these improvements can add up and make a big difference in how you feel.

Another sign that TMS Therapy is working is a lighter emotional feeling. The depression that used to weigh you down won’t feel as heavy anymore. It’s like going on a diet – you might not see the pounds disappear immediately, but one day you’ll realize that you’re feeling lighter and progressing. The rate at which you see benefits and the long-term effects of TMS can vary from person to person. So, don’t worry if you don’t experience significant changes overnight. 

TMS Therapy works gradually over weeks, but the effects can be long-lasting. Keep an eye out for those small increases in your mood and the lighter feeling that comes with it. It’s a sign that you’re on the right track and moving toward recovery from your illness. Trust the process; before you know it, you’ll be on your way to a brighter and happier you.

How Long Do TMS Therapy Results Last
How Long Do Results From TMS Last?

If pursuing TMS for depression, you might experience a complete remission of symptoms. 50-60% of people with depression found benefits of TMS Therapy that they didn’t get from other methods. Even better news is that many people continue to see improvements in their symptoms for a year or even longer after treatment.

Overall, research reveals there are consistent long-term effects of TMS Therapy. It can make a big difference in your condition over time, and some people even experience lifelong improvements. Most of the research focuses on TMS for depression, but scientists are still studying its effects on other mental health conditions.

Suppose symptoms return or it is decided that the initial round of TMS Therapy did not have the desired maximum effect. In that case, Nexus of Hope may suggest a follow-up round of treatment, sometimes known as Maintenance TMS. If maintenance TMS is necessary or desired, you can choose to have another round of TMS treatment whenever you want.

What Determines If TMS Works? 

At Nexus of Hope, we start with a thorough evaluation to gauge how you may respond to TMS Therapy. Generally speaking, results are good, but variables may influence underlying responses to TMS Therapy. Factors that may impact your length of treatment or even the results will be discussed at your initial consultation.

1. Age 

Research has shown that age can be a significant factor in the results of TMS Therapy. TMS is most effective in patients under the age of 70. As we age, our brains become less plastic and respond less effectively to external stimulation.  

2. Early Success with TMS Treatments 

Your previous history of success can affect the results of a TMS session. If you have had positive experiences with similar treatments in the past, you may be more likely to respond favorably to current TMS sessions or have more noticeable results.

3. The Severity or Intensity of Depression 

TMS is designed for the treatment of depression and specifically TMS for depression that is hard-to-treat, which is severe by nature. However, when assessing the effectiveness of TMS, it is essential to consider the severity of the symptoms. A more severe illness may mean more sessions are needed, or you may experience longer delayed results.

How To Get Better TMS Results

Tips For Better TMS Therapy Success

While TMS Therapy is non-invasive and relatively hassle-free, it is still a medical treatment. Consider that most rounds of TMS Therapy include daily sessions over 4-6 weeks, and it starts to look more like a marathon than a sprint. While TMS for depression is a highly effective treatment, there are tips to help you improve the likelihood of success or to increase your response to treatment.

1. Get Plenty Of Rest

TMS is like exercise for the brain. You may notice, especially at the beginning, an increase in sleepiness or exhaustion right after a TMS session. Rest for your body will help in these times.

2. Stay Alert During Treatments

The brain is at its peak for learning and processing while the stimulatory pulses are running; therefore, engaging in conversation during your treatment can allow for optimal results.

3. Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Staying hydrated and eating a well-balanced diet is sage health advice, but it’s important to remember that the marathon treatment of TMS works better when you can perform at your healthiest. Regular exercise helps your brain to combat fatigue and perform at its highest level.

4. Stay On Schedule

TMS Therapy is like brain training, and the brain learns best with repetition. That’s why it is essential to do your best to attend each prescribed treatment. Everyone feels the benefits of TMS at different rates, and others may notice the changes before you do.

Nexus Of Hope Is Your TMS Therapy Guide

Our team of Certified Nurse Practitioners at Nexus of Hope are PTSD Specialists.

At Nexus of Hope, we are committed to your success in the treatment of depression, and that may mean prescribing TMS Therapy. We will work with you to identify if TMS is the proper depression treatment and guide you through the process, including tips and ideas for improving your experience.

With TMS Therapy, we have seen results that are long-lasting for years. If you’re wondering where to find TMS Therapy near you, look no further than Nexus of Hope. We offer TMS Therapy near Minneapolis, serving the greater Twin Cities region right from our Burnsville office. If you have treatment-resistant depression and haven’t found a solution to improve your quality of life, call Nexus of Hope or make an appointment online today.  

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